“AimPoint is means reading all greens on any course. Get the stimp and you’re all set. My home course recently replaced all their greens, recontouring several. Many members struggled to read the new greens but not me. There was no adjustment period. I hear things like “how does that more right?” To which I reply “thats what my feel tells me”. It works so well, I’m hoping the R&A don’t ban it”
Aaron Madeley
“Having used a long putter for 15 years and then changed back to a short putter - using the Sergio Garcia Grip - I have now found confidence in using the AimPoint method. I know you still have to execute the putting stroke correctly but having the confidence in where you are aiming is certainly of great benefit. Thank you AimPoint”
Carol Fell
“I have been using AimPoint now for about 8 months and it takes a lot of guess work out of reading greens. Its so easy and effective I can’t imagine playing without it”
Kenneth Conway
“It’s helped me to hole a lot more putts, thus increasing my confidence on the greens. I always struggled to read greens but now its joy, not a chore to get the line. The harder the putt the more I look forward to taking it on. Plus it doesn’t need a bag to carry it, doesn’t need batteries, you have it with u at all times! Best tool I’ve found for golf ever!!”
Craig Talbot
“AimPoint has revolutionised my putting! It is a simple, easy to understand process which will help all levels of golfers. If you are not using AimPoint you are missing out!”
Anthony Walkins
“Yes, it has made me a much much better putter. The thing that I like most is how fast it makes me. I can read greens so much faster and make more of them at the same time. As a golf instructor and coach I constantly preach pace of play. This is the best way I can get my students to speed up on the putting surface and still have fun and play well.”
Nathan Morris
“AimPoint Express is easy and simple, yet is based on accurate analysis of greens, stimps, breaks and the more detailed AimPoint approach. On the course, the ease by which I have been able to determine slopes using the technique and to then hit really good putts, some complicated ones dropping in, is real confidence boost to my own performance. I think AimPoint Express is amazing”
Martin Fox
“Since going on the AimPoint course, I have improved my reading of greens and execution of long putts. Short putts are routine as you know your line and just have to hit it…”
Michael Donovan